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6 Common Food Intolerances You Can Get Tested For

There are those in favour and against the science of food intolerance. Some think it has no medical or scientific standing and simply creates negative food-related experiences for those who get the results back. Others think that it can offer up specific and helpful advice that will help you digest the right foods easier and better […]

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Deflate your bloated stomach NOW

“Congratulations, when is it due?” Always a lovely sentiment.  Unless, well, you’re not pregnant.  The apparent baby in your stomach is just yet another day spent dealing with a mysterious and embarrassingly bloated stomach.   Bloating is an awkward symptom to experience. Not only does it make you feel like you need to hide your […]

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Can Allergy Testing Help My Asthma?

To anyone unfamiliar with the world of allergies, there is no clear connection between allergies and asthma. However, there is a strong and trusted connection between the two. Depending on your point of view, this could be either a good or a bad thing. Regardless of how you look at it, allergy testing can help asthma […]

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When is it Time to Test for Allergies? 

All of us are different; an oversimplified statement, but true. Our bodies respond to everything in a completely different way, and that includes food. This is why some people have allergies — even if neither of their biological parents do — and others are totally fine with anything and everything related to food and its […]

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Reasons you should take a test for allergies TODAY.

They make you sneeze. That is the extent of a lot of peoples knowledge of allergies. But there is a raft of symptoms you can suffer from hundreds of different allergies, some of which can be incredibly dangerous.  You could be living with an allergy symptom that is making your life miserable and not even […]

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Different Allergy Testing Methods

No one ever wants to find out that they’re dealing with a food allergy. Whether it’s a mild one that just causes stomach upset or a severe one that could potentially block breathing, an allergy is an allergy, and these are always serious. Just as serious as the allergy itself is the ways to test […]

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Do Antihistamines Affect Allergy Tests?

Gearing yourself up to take an allergy test means that you have to approach two things: the test and its results. If you are feeling nervous about the allergy test itself, it can be helpful to educate yourself on the test with its process and what to expect. However, even the average person has to […]

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Gluten Free, Should You Join The Movement?

Dealing with a broad range of symptoms and can’t quite seem to figure out what’s causing them? You may be suffering from gluten intolerance. Any one of several symptoms could be an indicator and they can make life miserable. With as much as 13% of the human population potentially in this predicament, we look at […]

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How to Tailor Your IBS Diet

No one wants to be stuck fighting their body. That goes double when it comes to something as potentially crippling as IBS. If you’re living with IBS it’s paramount that you learn how to adjust your IBS diet accordingly. Sound impossible? It’s as simple as following the right advice from those in the know. Like […]

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